By Bob Baker
KNOXVILLE, IOWA (July 7, 2010) – Sprint car fans have until July 16 to donate $250 to the non-profit National Sprint Car Hall of Fame & Museum Foundation in order to get their bricks permanently inscribed on the museum walls prior to this year’s 50th annual Goodyear Knoxville Nationals, August 11-14. Said program coordinator Lori DeMoss, “We will have the brick walls engraved by August 1, so we need to have the completed forms back in our office by July 16. This is a great opportunity for loyal fans to permanently honor drivers, friends and family members and then to be able to see the bricks in place when they visit during this year’s 50th Knoxville Nationals.”
The “A Brick At A Time” fund-raising program was initiated by then executive director Tom Schmeh and administrative assistive Lori DeMoss back in 1989, with the help of the late Tom Edwards, Sr. The program has been a tremendous success in providing operational support for the membership-based, program-driven non-profit foundation over the past 21 years. In fact, current executive director Bob Baker started have bricks engraved on a fourth wall, on the newly developed second floor of the museum, to accommodate the most recent “A Brick At A Time” donations.
Those wishing to support the museum and have a brick engraved are encouraged to call Lori DeMoss at 1-800-874-4488 or stop in at the museum, which is open seven days a week year-round. Each brick can hold two lines of text and each line can hold thirteen characters, including spaces. Bricks can be engraved in the lobby, the entrance/foyer, the “In Memory Of” wall in the museum, or on the second floor surrounding the twin Schumacher elevators. Brick forms can also be found on the www.sprintcarhof.com web site by clicking on “Special Events”. The deadline for getting forms in to get bricks inscribed prior to this year’s Knoxville Nationals is July 16.
Those seeking further information on the 501(c)(3) non-profit National Sprint Car Hall of Fame & Museum, individuals are encouraged to visit www.sprintcarhof.com.