Points After Night One: 77f Stewart 548, 39c Rilat 546, 18 Jacobson 539, 33 Heath 537, 26 Hafertepe Jr. 537, 55 Starks 536, 7s Fisher 530, 56 Youngquist 526, 24c Hillier 523, 88w Whitney 517, 7k Solwold 508, 3 Hickle 505, 7n Peterson 504, 22 Moore 500, 8b Barnes 499, 5h Cox 488, 38 Turnbull 485, 5d DeWitt 484, 87 Ryan 484, 79k Carpenter 475, 12 Adams 467, 23n Lemley 460, 16 D. Miller 458, 19 Hartman 445, 8r Rutz 443, 44 K.Miller 442, 3d MacEachern 431, 98 Jensen 431, 42m Madonia 429, 23 Parker 422, 96x Brown 417, 15 Dunlap 417, 9d Didiuk 396, 9 MacDonnell 392, 97r Reed 385, 52 Michel 384, 50m Bollinger 384, 13a Lewellen 380, 4b Brooke 377, 27z Custer 364, 42 Roberts 364, 57 Ashe 357, 17 Smith 271
Alger, WA — (July 26, 2013) — Night one of the Bob’s Burgers and Brew Summer Nationals ended just like the final night of the 2012 version of the show with 3-time defending champ Travis Jacobson standing on top of the podium. Jacobson chased down Justin Youngquist on a late race restart and took away the lead for the win. Kelsey Carpenter led the first 15 laps before having a right rear tire go flat, with Youngquist passing for the lead. Running low, Youngquist had the field covered until the late race yellow closed the field. On the restart Jacobson went high, Youngquist low with the two battling for a few laps before the pass for the lead.
Shane Stewart ended the night as point leader followed by Travis Rilat. Jacobson is third with Colton Heath fourth, Sam Hafertepe, Jr. is fifth and Trey Starks sixth. Stewart was fast time at 11.630 and the five heat race wins went to Jayme Barnes, Rilat, Hafertepe, Carpenter and Heath. Mack Brown won the C main and the B main went to Jared Peterson.
In the companion races, Freddie Vela won a time shortend Outlaw Tuner main event and CJ Putnam won the Dwarf Car main.
Fast time: 77f Shane Stewart 11.630
Heat 1: 8b Jayme Barnes, 77f Stewart, 18 Travis Jacobson, 7n Jared Peterson, 42m Devin Madonia, 98 Matt Jensen, 50m Michael Bollinger, 9 Sean Macdonnell, 27z Zeth Custer
Heat 2: 39c Travis Rilat, 88w Jesse Whitney, 55 Trey Starks, 23n Brock Lemley, 16 David Miller, 8r Kenny Rutz, 96x Mack Brown, 23 Steve Parker, 57 Bud Ashe
Heat 3: 26 Sam Hafertepe, Jr., 5h Justyn Cox, 87 Liam Ryan, 38 Trevor Turnbull, 19 Tj Hartman, 17 Cam Smith, 44 Kelly Miller, 15 Jeff Dunlap, 42 Derek Roberts
Heat 4: 79k Kelsey Carpenter, 5d Josh DeWitt, 7k Jason Solwold, 24c Chad Hillier, 3 JJ Hickle, 3d Dennis MacEachern, 52 Christian Michel, 13a Ashley Lewellen
Heat 5: 33 Colton Heath, 56 Justin Youngquist, 7s Eric Fisher, 22 Mason Moore, 12 Casey Adams, 9d Luke Didiuk, 4b Cale Brooke, 97r Jason Reed
C Main: 96x Mack Brown, 15 Dunlap, 17 Smith, 23 Parker, 9 Macdonnell, 97r Reed, 9d Didiuk, 13a Lewellen, 52 Michel, 50m Bollinger, 4b Brooke, 27z Custer, 42 Roberts, 57 Ashe
B Main: 7n Jared Peterson, 24c Hillier, 22 Moore, 3 Hickle, 38 Turnbull, 23n Lemley, 16 D. Miller, 12 Adams, 44 K. Miller, 17 Smith, 19 Hartman, 23 Parker, 3d MacEachern, 98 Jensen, 15 Dunlap, 96x Brown, 42m Madonia, 8r Rutz
A Main 30-laps: 18 Travis Jacobson, 56 Youngquist, 33 Heath, 55 Starks, 39c Rilat, 88w Whitney, 77f Stewart, 7s Fisher, 26 Hafertepe, 24c Hillier, 3 Hickle, 22 Moore, 7k Solwold, 7n Peterson, 8b Barnes, 87 Ryan, 5h Cox, 5d DeWitt, 38 Turnbull, 79k Carpenter