April 19th New Speedrome Opening Date, Still $5 Tickets for Fans

Indianapolis Speedrome

Patience is the current key word as fans, teams, and sponsors at the Ivy Tech Community College Indianapolis SpeedromeĀ® eye opening day. The exciting repaving efforts have us now aimed at Saturday April 19th as the first date of competition. “Every step in the process of creating this new racing surface takes a specified amount of time to do it right”, commented track Managing Partner Larry Curry. “Mother Nature has given us some adjustments in the work schedule via rain and temperature. We want to race as much as the teams, but getting this repave done sets up a great future by doing it the right way. We are doing everything in our power to run April 19th.” Curry also noted that the time table will include several practice dates for teams to tour the new one-fifth-mile before an official event. Many drivers have already expressed support in the importance of getting the best job done over the fact of missing a weekend of racing.


Indianapolis Speedrome
Indianapolis Speedrome

This unscheduled delay is turning into a big positive for many teams who still need some final touches on their cars. This is very much a bonus for Speedrome faithful viewers by bringing additional cars into play for the Welcome Back Fans $5 Ticket opener now tentative for April 19th. The Advance Auto Sales Late Models, Stocks, IndyAutoRecyclers.com Roadrunners, Lawrence Towing Hornets, Circle City Pyrotechnics Jr Faskarts, and Jr Hornets should have strong rosters that Saturday with the excitement factor of driving on the fresh layout. The night will also feature a talented roster from the USSA Mel Kenyon Midget series.


Even though the repaving timetable has been disrupted, there’s been much progress made. Two trenches have been dug at each start/finish line to bury the scoring loops for the new transponder system. Putting them and duplicate backup loops at a proper depth now secures its long future of great results. In addition, the big yellow course markers have been forever removed and retired to the delight of many. The openings for entering and exiting the racing surface have been widened by approximately four feet each giving drivers a safer transition to action. F. E. Harding Asphalt Company has also painstakingly surveyed the oval finding several non-symmetrical areas that were laid out over four decades ago when equipment not this precise was not available. These factors alone will bring quicker lap times to the resident speed demons. The Harding experts are looking for several consecutive dry 50-degree days to optimize the special racing asphalt mix. They then first take a period to remove the old followed by a few more days to spread the new. A multi-day curing process will then take place before anyone takes a lap. Patience is the word for all of us, but reward is just around the corner.