Sydney, AU — (September 16, 2014) — Valvoline Raceway begins another phase of its radical evolution and revolution this Saturday night as the official practice for the 2014/2015 season kicks off.
With so many projects still underway in revamping and revitalising the facility Valvoline Raceway Managing Director Steven Green is excited about the practice session ahead but has a message for teams and fans planning to attend.
“As far as the racing surface is concerned nothing will appear out of the ordinary,” explains Green, “but we’re in the middle of the biggest expansion and revamping project ever undertaken at the Speedway since Sid Hopping built it, so there’s still many things we won’t have completed until we’re ready for October 4’s grand opening event. People shouldn’t be confused by what they see on Saturday, we’re on target for our opening event but we’ve still got plenty to do over the next three weeks.”
Many teams have already indicated their intention to turn laps on Saturday night as growing expectation and excitement swarms around the unveiling of the new season under the new owners and management structure.
“We’re all very excited,” continues Green, “there’s so much going on here with earthworks, concreting, bitumising and so many other processes that it’s like a construction site on a skyscraper. You can’t help but get excited when you see it all being carried out.”
There are several guidelines attached to Saturday’s official practice and those are attached herewith below.
Fans and teams should read these carefully before attending on Saturday…
PRACTICE EVENT 20th September 2014.
Gates Open – 2pm
Adults, Pensioner and 13-15 years entry fee is $15
Children 12 years and under are free (with a paying Adult).
No family pass offered.
Pit entry is $40 with a FULL licence shown on entry to the Pit Gate Staff.
Pit entry is $60 if a ONE-DAY licence is required on the day of the event (This does not cover anyone going onto the track – please see Competitor Licence information above).
You must physically have proof of a FULL LICENCE to be able to buy a pit pass at the $40 rate.
Speedway Australia does not provide us with a list of those who have paid, or if they are in the mail etc. If you do not have your licence with you at the time, you must purchase a ONE-DAY LICENCE/INSURANCE POLICY. All licences need to be organised prior to the event with Speedway Australia or authorised Speedway Australia licencees such as the Sprintcar Control Council of Australia and the Australian Wingless Sprints Racing.
At the Sprintcar Pit Box – 2.15pm until 4.30pm.
All cars must have relevant registration with clubs, prior to requesting a driver armband.
Competitor armbands are $50 per driver. Please register your car to the staff. We will provide you an on-track competitor armband.
You must show your LICENCE at the time of registering.
NO licences are available at the track. All licences need to be organised prior to the event, with Speedway Australia or authorised Speedway Australia licencees such as Sprintcar Control Council of Australia or the Australian Wingless Sprints Racing.
You must physically have proof of a FULL or ONE-DAY LICENCE on you. If you are unable to show proof, you will unfortunately not be able to participate on the track. Speedway Australia does not provide us with a list of those who have paid, or if they are in the mail etc.
Drivers Briefing 4.45pm
START – Wheel Packing – 5.30pm.
Practice sessions commence after Wheel packing.
FINISH – approximately 10pm.
Ticket Gate 1 – selling General Admission tickets plus Pit Passes.
Pit Gate (Deniehy Street) – selling Pit armbands, and General Admission tickets.
VIP Corporate Entrance – Hostess available from 2pm until 6.30pm only.
Assisting with Sign on Sheets for volunteer lists, staff access, and VIP car parking spaces if allocated. This gate is also used for PASS OUTS and CAR PARKING access.
No Corporate Suites are in use for Practice Events.
Food – No commercially packaged foods (e.g. KFC, McDonalds, Pizza Hut etc.)
Drinks – No glass / No Alcohol allowed to be brought into the venue.
CANTEENS: The PIT CANTEEN operated by KCS Catering, will be open for food/drink sales.
No alcohol is available for sale at this event.
COMPETITOR LICENCES: Speedway Australia issued.
NO licences are available at the track. All licences need to be organised prior to the event, with Speedway Australia or Authorised Speedway Australia licencees such as Sprintcar Control Council of Australia, or The Australian Wingless Sprints Racing.
At the end of the night, we will host a BBQ for all Volunteers in the pits. This will be a good chance for Steven Green to have a catch up with everyone. He will be able to advise more information relating to the upcoming season of racing etc. At that time we will collect any outstanding Volunteer Forms and discuss any other related issues relevant to the Volunteers Program. Volunteer Forms are available at the Sprintcar Box from 2.15pm to 4.30pm. Please ensure you complete and return to the raceway office ASAP, so that your name can be included on Gate Lists ready for our opening night on Saturday the 4th October 2014.
Truck parking only.
Limited car parking spaces available for track-authorised officials etc.
Our pit gates will be open during the day.
At approximately 1.30 – 1.45pm we will usher all patrons out of the Pit Area to the Pit Gate, for them to purchase appropriate ticketing.
Pit Gate opens at 2pm.
, As we need to ensure there is enough parking spaces for competitor’s trucks for each event, we need to limit the actual car parking spaces being used in the Pit area.
Only authorised persons on a Car Parking List will be allowed access, those being Club and Track Officials.
For the Practice event we will only have a limited amount of space, and will not be offering car parking spaces to everyone. Please find alternative car parking spaces for this event.
For events commencing 4th October 2014 onwards, we will email each club who is scheduled for the upcoming event, and we will advise how many pit parking spaces they are allowed to use for Official use. These will be authorised by the raceway office and be available from the Pit Gate Staff.
If you are expecting to have a car parking space please ensure you apply ASAP via contacting the raceway office. Your name will only be on the car-parking list, if you have applied and have been authorised. The gate staff will only allow authorised persons, all others will be kindly asked to find alternative car parking arrangements, outside of the pit area.
Thank you.
RACEWAY OFFICE: We will not be staffing the Raceway Office with a full quota of staff at the Practice event. We aim to complete our race set up paperwork, by 3pm Fridays. If you can be mindful that all information would be appreciated prior to this time. Please ensure you follow up with the raceway office during business Monday to Friday, if you have any questions regarding the Practice event, gate lists, licencing questions etc. we are happy to assist you, prior to event dates.
Event days are particularly busy, mostly we are outside organising things, and are not always available on email, phones etc.
Ends release…