From Handy Racing Promotions Media Release
ROSEVILLE, CA – With a series of recent schedule changes courtesy of Mother Nature, Handy Racing Promotions Incorporated has been utilizing one of the newest technologies to reach the racing community on a moment’s notice.
While the internet, social networking sites such as facebook and telephone recordings are an ideal source of up to date information, the technology of twitter is second to none when it comes to breaking news regarding Silver Dollar Speedway and Placerville Speedway.
Twitter is a free social networking service that enables its users to read each others’ updates, known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters, displayed on the author’s profile page and delivered to other users who have subscribed to them Users can receive tweets via the Twitter website on their computer or can receive such messages sent directly to their cell phone via text messaging.
“Race teams and race fans who travel a fair distance to events really should take advantage of this service,” said Bill Sullivan of Handy Racing Promotions. “It’s not something we are going to spam our fans with every single hour but it is ideal as a reminder to fans what is coming up, breaking news, or in the event we have a late schedule change travelers will get the word in a split second.”
Late last season, Placerville Speedway began using twitter as an information broadcasting source. Since that time 175 fans have signed up. Early this season Silver Dollar Speedway also began using the service and so far 53 followers have signed up to receive updates.
In addition to the messages sent to each subscriber, twitter updates also appear on the lower right hand side of both track websites. In the event of a breaking news item, such information can be found at these locations in a split second.
Race fans, teams and associates wishing to receive Placerville Speedway updates via “tweets” can sign up for free online at www.twitter.com. Placerville Speedway can be followed by searching the keywords Placerville Speedway or visiting the direct link at http://twitter.com/pvllspeedway. Silver Dollar Speedway’s twitter address is www.twitter.com/sdspeedway. The easiest way to sign up if simply visit the link on each of the track websites.