Eldora speedway

From Larry Boos

ROSSBURG, OH (Nov. 17) – A gathering of Eldora Speedway staff members and vendors benefited two area food banks to the tune of $2,000 in cash and two truckloads of non-perishable items to stock their shelves. The donations were split equally between Darke County’s Community Action Partnership and the Mercer County’s CALL Food Bank.

The get-together, held in the Eldora Ballroom on Sunday (Nov. 14), was a celebration of the recently concluded Eldora Speedway racing season, with the premise of contributing to the food bank programs. Each staff member brought in items for donation to the service groups, with the additional monies raised through organized games, contests and an auction of items donated from various vendors.

In addition to the staff members, the following companies donated either auction items or non-perishable goods – US Food Service, Buchy Foods, 4U Supply, Gold Medal Products, Frywise, C & G Beverages, Bonbrite Distributing, Heidelberg Distributing, Nickles Bakery, Gels IGA and ICS Coffee.

Eldora’s food service manager Todd Stucky was elated with the results, “it is such a great feeling to be able to help with a cause like the food bank program. Our Eldora team certainly rose to the cause. With their contributions and the donations from our vendors, we far exceeded our expectations and look to make this an annual event that will continue to grow”.