Denver CO — (January 13, 2014) — The Rocky Mountain Midget Racing Association (RMMRA) released their 2014 Race Schedule. The ten point races and two non-points races will be at I-76 Speedway in Ft. Morgan, CO., Phillips County Raceway in Holyoke, CO., El Paso County Speedway in Calhan, CO., Solomon Valley Raceway in Beloit, KS., Belleville High Banks in Belleville, KS. And for the first time, the RMMRA will travel to Lamar Speedway in Lamar, CO. in the southeastern part of Colorado on July 5.
In other news, there will be a general membership meeting on Saturday, January 25 at AutoImages, 8090 W. Brandon in Littleton, Colorado, start time is 10:00 a.m.
For more information and latest news go to www.rmmra.com.
2014 RMMRA Schedule (Tentative)