Ted Hines (#12), Brian Ruhlman (#49) and Dustin Webber (#9). (Jim Denhamer photo)
Ted Hines (#12), Brian Ruhlman (#49) and Dustin Webber (#9). (Jim Denhamer photo)
Justin Grant (#4), Dave Darland (#36), and Chris Windom (#5). (Jim Denhamer photo)
Justin Grant (#4) and Dave Darland (#36). (Jim Denhamer photo)
Korbyn Haslet (#1) and Chris Windom (#5). (Jim Denhamer photo)
C.J. Leary (#30) and Dave Darland (#36). (Jim Denhamer photo)
Matt Goodnight (#39) and Tyler Hewitt (#97). (Jim Denhamer photo)
Cole Ketcham (#41) and Clinton Boyles (#57). (Jim Denhamer photo)
Justin Grant. (Jim Denhamer photo)
Justin Grant. (Jim Denhamer photo)
Justin Grant. (Jim Denhamer photo)
Cole Bodine (#29) and Zeb Wise (#39). (Jim Denhamer photo)
Jeff Beasley and Chase Jones. (Jim Denhamer photo)
Aaron Leffell and Trey Osborn. (Jim Denhamer photo)
Russ Gamester (#51), John Watson (#25) and Justin Dickinson (#21). (Jim Denhamer photo)
Justin Dickerson (#21) and Shane Cottle (#57). (Jim Denhamer photo)
Zeb Wise. (Jim Denhamer photo)
Zeb Wise. (Jim Denhamer photo)
Zeb Wise. (Jim Denhamer photo)
Zeb Wise and Tim Clauson. (Jim Denhamer photo)
Zeb Wise. (Jim Denhamer photo)