From Ohsweken Speedway
Ohsweken, ON — (November 28, 2011) — Ohsweken Speedway advanced ticket coordinator Cheryl Pelkie has announced that Advanced Reserved Seat Tickets will go on sale Monday, December 5th to 2011 ticket holders for the World of Outlaw Sprints scheduled to compete in 2012 on Tuesday, July 31st and the Annual Canadian Sprint Car Nationals, scheduled to run the 8th edition on Friday, September 14th and Saturday, Sept. 15th.
Reserved Seat Ticket Holders from the 2011 World of Outlaw Sprint show and the 7th Annual Canadian Sprint Car Nationals will have until Thursday, January 12th to purchase the
same seats that they held for the 2011 events before they are released for sale to the general public on Monday, January 16th. ALL Ticket Renewals Must be done over the phone only at
1-888-720-7223 and be paid for in full by credit card at the time of purchase. No Ticket Renewals will be available at the Speedway store. Please call Cheryl at 1-888-720-7223 or email
her at pelkiekj@ebtech.net for assistance.
The complete 2012 racing schedule is nearing completion and will be available for release soon along with other information on the upcoming season.
Ohsweken Speedway rules committee has compiled and released the competition rules for the four regular classes competing at the speedway in 2012 following a general meeting with
teams in late October. The rules in their entirety have now been posted on the official Ohsweken Speedway website at www.ohswekenspeedway.com.
Be sure to visit the website often for all of the latest news on these and other happenings as work continues toward three practice sessions May 4; 11; & 18 with opening day scheduled for
May 25th.
Any Sprint Car or General questions should be directed to Ken Pelkie at (1-888) 720-7223 or email to pelkiekj@ebtech.net.
All Stock Car technical questions should be forwarded between 9:00AM and 5:00PM to Jim Van DYK at (1-519) 784-7344.