TJslidewayslogoSince 1996 has grown into one of the best information websites for open wheel racing in the world.  Our advertising system is relatively simple.  There are 10 ad locations on the side of the website.  Buying one of those ad locations gets you the graphic on the website, advertisement during our webcasts, and mention during our podcast.

We only keep those 10 ad spots along with a handful of specialty ad locations such as our open wheel calendar to keep our site clutter free for the readers.  Occasionally we do run 11 or 12 ads during the winter for a handful of seasonal advertisers that have been with us since the late 90’s, but that is the only exception.  This gives our advertisers a premium value to their partnership with

Funds generated from our advertising are used to offset the costs of running  As the site has grown costs continue to rise every year for hosting, equipment, and software to run the site.  We do not make a living off of, its something we do because we love the sport and enjoy covering open wheel racing.

If you are interested in advertising with us please use the form below to contact us for more information.