Tim Shaffer (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Josh Baughman, Tim Shaffer, and Jon Agan (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Danny Jennings (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Tim Shaffer (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Tony Stewart (14) and James Mosher (12) (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Jamie Ball (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Carson McCarl (6) and Matt Moro (2M) (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Josh Baughman (17B) and Thomas Kennedy (1) (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Aaron Reutzel (87) and Seth Brahmer (13V) (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Safety Crew sends off the field with Tim Shaffer (49X) and Josh Baughman (17B) (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Chuck Hebing (45) and Tyler Groenendyk (17) (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Matt Covington (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Chris Masters (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Alan Zoutte (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Davey Heskin (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Calvin Landis (Serena Dalhamer photo)