Mark Cowan (right) with fellow Michigan Motorsports Hall of Fame inducted announcer Lego Pego. (Walter Barnes photo)
Mark Cowan (right) with fellow Michigan Motorsports Hall of Fame inducted announcer Lego Pego. (Walter Barnes photo)If you grew up around short track racing in the state of Michigan through the 80’s and 90’s you likely heard the action called over the p.a. system by Mark Cowan. Auctioneer by day and race announcer by night Cowan called some of the most special moments in short track racing at I-96 Speedway, Crystal Motor Speedway, and various venues in between. Sunday Cowan will be inducted into the Michigan Motorsports Hall of Fame. This was a good opportunity to sit down with Cowan and discuss his induction, his announcing career, and what he does around the race track today.