shane stewart
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Shane Stewart Opens 50th Nationals In Style

Shane Stewart won the opening night feature of the 50th Knoxville Nationals after taking the lead on lap 21 of 25. Chasing Stewart was Craig Dollansky, Chad Kemenah, Davey Heskin and Jason Sides. […]

Knoxville Raceway

McCarl, Brown, and Cram Win at Knoxville

7/24/10 Knoxville Raceway 29 410s 29 360s 23 305s 410s Bronson Maeschen (17th car out to time) set quick time at 15.480 seconds. Terry McCarl (23rd car out) was second quick, followed by Josh Schneiderman […]

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Knoxville Raceway

Caren Just Fund Set After Accident

Knoxville videographer, Caren Just, was involved in an accident that fractured her pelvis in three places. Additional injuries included internal bruising, stretched muscles and ligaments in her chest and abdominal area. She will be out for at least six weeks and could take six months before she has fully recovered from her injuries. […]

2010 Knoxville Nationals
Knoxville Nationals

Entry Deadlines Approach for August Events!

Early entry deadlines are approaching for four big events at the Knoxville Raceway in August! Drivers are advised to get entries in as quickly as possible to avoid higher entry fees and pit costs. Entry forms are available in both “Word” and .pdf formats at www.Knoxville in the “Entry Forms” section. […]