From Must See Racing
Holly, MI — (May 13, 2011) – Mother Nature has once again played havoc on the coming weekend activities at Winchester Speedway. Forecasted thunder storms and rain have caused officials from Winchester Speedway and Must See Racing to reschedule the “King of the Wings” event. The support division races, along with the practice set for Saturday have also been postponed.
“This is a huge event annually at our track with many visitors and competitors from out of town, and as always, I want the fans and competitors to be treated to the best possible conditions for it”, said Charlie Shaw, President of Winchester Speedway. “Normally we do not postpone an event due to forecasted weather, however many of the fans and competitors come from out of state and it would be a huge disappointment and expense for them to travel here and not be able to race.”
“Fortunately this weather is occurring early in the season and we will be able to reschedule the event so the fans will still be treated to one of the most exciting events of the year. We have to rely on the weather forecast to make this decision, which as we all know, doesn’t always turn out accurate. Our commitment to the fans and race teams to provide the best possible racing for The World’s Fastest Short Track cars is the bottom line reason to reschedule the event and not fight the probable bad weather conditions.” stated Jim Hanks , founder of Must See Racing.
Watch for rescheduling information on mustseeracing.com and winchesterspeedway.com