Cody Wampler (15B), Ty Williams (5), and Johnny Herrera (45X) (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Channin Tankersley (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Danny Wood (81W) and Josh Baughman (17X) (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Cody Wampler (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Cody Wampler (15B), Ty Williams (5), and Johnny Herrera (45X) (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Kyle Ezell (10K) and Alex Sewell (8) (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Dustin Morgan (93) and Jordan Weaver (92) (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Jake Martens (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Sterling Hoff (25) and Josh Baughman (17X) (Serena Dalhamer photo)
Cody Wampler (15B) and Kevin Ramey (7M) (Serena Dalhamer photo)