Mike McVetta Jim Feeney Photo

From MSS
The Medina, Ohio driver Mike McVetta started the night with a top qualiying run, besting some of supermodifieds best for the honor to win the 20-car field assembled for the first rung of the Super Crown Nationals at Lorain Raceway Park, Friday night. Mike picked up the Jim Valentine sponsored Fast Qualifier award of $200 in addition. The win was McVetta’s fourth at Lorain over the years, the last coming in 2018

But Michael was not done as he went on to win the feature ahead of Mike Ordway Jr., Kyle Edwards, Mike Lichty, Otto Sitterly and more in the line of ISMA/MSS supermodified’s best on hand.

Three heats were held with J.J. Henes taking the first 10 lapper, Talon Stephens, the second and Mike Lichty, the third. Lichty unfortunately lost his teammate Johnny Benson Jr. earlier to a hard crash in warmups. Benson was not injured but his car was unable to continue in the night’s events. Top 3 heat race winners receive $50, $30 and $20 courtesy of Precision Welding.

Heat finishes were, First Heat, 1) JJ Henes, 2) Otto Sitterly 3) Mike McVetta 4) Tyler Shullick 5) Aric Iosue 6) Lou LeVea Sr. Second Heat, 1) Talon Stephens 2) 19 Trent Stephens 3) 11 Kyle Edwards 4) 78 Mark Sammut 5) 32 Moe Lilje 6) Keyon Zitzka. Third Heat, 1) Mike Lichty 2)Eric Lewis 3) 4) Mike Ordway Jr 5) AJ Leseicki 6) Doug Neubauer.

The 40 lap main was next up after heats and a pill draw for position found Trent Stephens on the pole with Rich Reid on the outside.Stephens was only three laps in as leader when his 19 slowed and was into the pits, leaving Mike Ordway Jr. and Mike McVetta to vie for the point which McVetta winning the spot.

The battle began between the 22 of McVetta, Ordway Jr., Kyle Edwards, Mike Lichty, Otto Sitterly. Talen Stephens, Moe Lilje, Aric Iosue and more as the laps flew by.

At the finish it was a win for McVetta trailed by Mike Ordway Jr., Kyle Edwards.

Finishing order was 1) 22 Mike McVetta, 2) 61 Mike Ordway Jr, 3) 11 Kyle Edwards, 4) 84 Mike Lichty, 5) 7 Otto Sitterly, 6) 30 Talon Stephens, 7) 32 Moe Lilje, 8) 27 Aric Iosue, 9) 14 AJ Leseicki, 10) 55 Rich Reid, 11) 25 Keyon Ziztka, 12) 78 Mark Sammut, 13) 66 Lou LeVea Sr, 14) 28 Eric Lewis, 15) 36 JJ Henes, 16) 88 Tyler Shullick, 17) 19 Trent Stephens, 18) 77 Doug Neubauer, 44 of Mark Miller and 74 Johnny Benson were dns.

Picking up Bonus Awards of halfway leader, Mike McVetta, Hard Charger Moe Lilje, Last Car Running Kenyon Zizska. Awards donated by May Motorsports, 4th Turn Crazies, NY Racing Mom, Hoosier Free RR Drawing (5th on back), Adkins Glass for the bike giveaway

A big thanks goes out to all the sponsors who support the ISMA/MSS racing and to all the fans who attends. Please join us at Lorain Raceway Park Saturday for another great day of racing with two more 40 lap features for the Super Crown Nationals! Main gates open at 2:00.